Monday, March 30, 2009

'Lost' is a Stupid Show

Have you seen this? Have you heard about this? What's with 'Lost' still being on the air? I mean, come on. . .

Now I'll admit, I haven't wasted my time watching all of 'Lost,' as I'd rather lose a bullet in my head, but I've watched enough of it that I feel I can pass fair judgment upon it. And my consensus? It's Fucking Stupid. My first exposure to the show came in my first year of university. I was young, I was naive, and I had terrible taste in television. After several fellow students recommended the show, I checked out the first couple episodes. I'll admit, the plane crash was cool, and the pilot episode is intriguing, but soon after the opening episodes, the tears in the show's logic begin to show. At first I thought it was going to be a tale of survival, like 'The Swiss Family Robinson.' But then dinosaurs and shit came in, and I was all like, W.T.Fuck? I pretty much stopped watching after that. Now the show is in it's like, tenth season, or something stupid, and from what I hear, the show has remained as shitty as I recall it being: people are still trapped on an island without a wicked tree house or monkey butlers, and non-nonsensical sci-fi elements are being applied without and sort of thought (I'm thinking namely, of the concept that the entire island is a vessel unsewn from the fabric of time, and\or space. . . DDDDURRRRR).

I have admiration for the genre of Science Fiction. It's not a favorite genre of mine, by any means, but I respect what it is, and what the idea stands for: creativity, imagination, and suspended disbelief. I also strongly believe that 'Lost' has raped all of the above concepts. There is no creativity or ingenuity in 'Lost.' If you'll allow me to quote imdb:
ABC picked up the show before there even was a script. J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof had only turned in an outline and based on this ABC picked up the show.(1)
Extrapolating from this fact, I strongly believe that the producers and writers of the show have absolutely no fucking idea what they're doing, what essence of the show is, or where it's going. However, I also believe that the show will go on for many more seasons, only getting more popular.

I'm sure that 'Lost' is entertaining. I remember being enthralled by the special effects when I watched the beginning of the show. But at what cost are we being entertained? The rape of a genre? The banishment of creativity and lineage? Don't take this out of context, but I think I'd rather watch survivor. I know they're pretty much beating a dead horse with it now, but at least it was innovative and creative in it's roots. When shows like 'Lost' are blindly followed for season after season, while genuine and inspired shows like 'It's Always Sunny in Philidalphia' struggle to get off the ground after the first season, it irks the shit out of me.

Thank you, you've been a terrific audience.


1 comment:

  1. I've got to disagree. I like the mysteries that Lost presents. Although, I think they should really answer more questions than they present at this time in the shows life, but it's still a (fairly) entertaining show.
