Tuesday, April 7, 2009

slow walkers on the sidewalk

Have you seen this? Have you heard about this? Nothing drives me more crazy than when people walk slowly, or worse yet, stand still. I mean come on. . .

How much of an asshole can you be? I mean, I wouldn't consider myself that busy of a person, and it still annoys the shit out of me. The sidewalk is for walkin' not for lallygagging, or sight seeing. If for some reason, you need to slow your pace, move out of the god damned way, and don't hold up other people. Even worse is when some asshole is standing walking slow in the middle of the sidewalk. It's enough to drive a man crazy. it's called a sidewalk, not an in-the-middle walk.

When you're on main streets, and there's garbages, mailboxes, and newspaper machines, and the realestate is even more limitied, it seems like people are even more eager to walk slow, and directly in your way. Sometimes, I guess, people are just assholes.

Thank you, you've been a terrific audience.

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